Package Receipt

This is an admin tool. This means if you are seeing this you are an administrator of this community.

The package receipt allows you to send a premade message to the person that you have a package for.

You choose the person that you send this message to in the next step.


This is a common post. When you choose this post everyone in the community can see it on the community feed.

Use this post to ask a question or post something interesting.


This choice lets you list an item of all sorts.You can sell,share,giveaway or list privately.

The listed item will be shown on Community News feed and the Community Marketplace(unless listed privately).

List Privately

Choosing this option will list your item privately.This means only you can see your item.

This option is usually used for inventory.With this option you can also export your inventory to an excel sheet.

List Publicly

Choosing this option will show your item to everyone on the spare to share system.

This means somebody from outside your community will be able to request your item and contact you.


Choose your community

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About spare to share

We believe in community
Have you ever wished your building was more of a neighborhood and less of a space filled with strangers? Let’s face it nobody likes the awkward encounters in an elevator with the uncomfortable mutterings of 'hello' and 'have a nice day'.
Spare to Share is a private sharing and community network for residential buildings, commercial buildings, and other closed, trusted groups. We help make your building a little more neighborly and connected leading to increased loyalty and a friendly, community feeling in the building. Without having to open up your Facebook account or giving everyone your cell or email.
We are a bootstrapped, Chicago company with a passionate, friendly and down to earth team. We like to work hard and play hard, and are dedicated to our customers. This means we will listen to all feedback to try and make the Spare to Share experience a great one! We love making new friends - in fact, that's kind of our thing. So, if you want learn more or get our service in your building, please contact us at:
Management Team
  Greg Jaros
  Ian Stellmach
  Greg has over 25 years experience in business operations, product development & information analytics. Greg was a co-founder of Diamond Management & Technology Consultants (IPO 1997), and most recently was Chief Information Officer of PayNet. Greg received his bachelor's degree from DePaul University and his MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.   A recent graduate of DePaul University, Ian has startup experience in the Chicago tech space with Packback as well as a music collaboration company called Jam City. Ian has a Bachelor degree from the DePaul Driehaus College of Business with a concentration in entrepreneurship.  
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